DTNA eComponents



How To Use PartsPro To Find Internal Door Hardware For A Later Model (2003 & Up) Western Star


* These Instructions pertain to situations when PartsPro does not show the door assembly broken down to the needed parts.

* These instructions are using a sample VIN of 'FT9356', which is a 2014 Western Star.

* In these instructions we will be finding the Internal Door Hardware for the left hand door. For the right hand door you would use '653' for the 'Subgroup' in step #2.


1) Logon to PartsPro.

2) Type the last 6 of the VIN in the box to the right of 'Serial #' and then type '651' in the box to the right of 'Subgroup':



3) Press <ENTER>.

4) Select the 'Part Number' for the door assembly and then click on the 'EZ Wiring' icon:



With the drawing being viewed within EZ Wiring...


5) Use the drawing number shown in the upper left hand corner of the window to cross reference to the part number for the inner door panel:



6) Note the part number which, in this example, is 'A18-66206-000'.

7) Logon to DTNA Connect (https://secure.freightliner.com/wps/myportal/dtnaconnect/DTNAConnectHome/) and then click on 'EZ Wiring' within the 'My Applications' list:



8) At the EZ Wiring main page, click on the 'Drawings' tab:



9) Type the part number, from step #6 of these instructions, in the box to the right of 'Diagram Part Number' and then click <VIEW>:



* The drawing will be displayed in a new window:



* The parts list can be found in a table on the right hand side of the drawing: